6th Form Prospectus

The welfare and happiness of all our students is our principal concern. We appreciate that Sixth Form combines increased pressure of study with a time where students desire more independence. King James’s School provides outstanding care and guidance to our students and has an excellent track record in leading them to fulfil their potential in studies and beyond. Our robust, flexible support structures aim to guide students smoothly through any problems, covering everything from stress management, relationships and financial issues to guidance about the future. Our strong pastoral team is led by individual LearningManagers for each year group. Their role is to manage student performance, with the help of the experienced team of Form Tutors. This involves monitoring progress, attendance and Attitude to Learning data, holdingstudentmeetingsandcommunicating with parents where necessary. The Form Tutors keep up regular contact with students, meeting every morning to ensure there is regular monitoring of academic progress, welfare and attendance. In addition, they further assist in guiding students through university and employment applications and will write their UCAS references where needed. The relationship built between students and Form Tutors is vital in allowing guidance to each Sixth Form student to be tailored to the individual. A dedicated Sixth Form Pastoral Support Officer plus careers, health and academic specialists add their knowledge and expertise to the team. The small, community nature of our Sixth Form enables all our students to be known individually to both staff and their peers. This is often quoted as one of the key reasons students choose to study at King James’s Sixth Form. Students are also given greater freedom to manage their own academic studies through private study and supervised study periods. The dedicated silent study area of the Sixth Form Centre enables students to make the most of this time and develop independent study skills valued by universities and employers. Care, Suppor t and Guidance 10