6th Form Prospectus

The Sixth Form is a challenging and pivotal time in a student’s career. Decisions made in these two years may influence the course of their careers for years to come. At King James’s School, we pride ourselves on supporting and guiding our students throughout the Sixth Form, so when they leave as many doors are open to them as possible. This not only means challenging every individual to achieve the best they can academically, but enabling them to develop into well-rounded young adults with a wealth of experience under their belts. Our ‘Post-18 Options’ programme in Year 12 includes visits to universities, guest speakers from industry, careers support and training in university and employment applications. Our aim is to prepare and support our students to take whichever pathway they choose to follow after completion of their studies. This enables every student to make informed, ambitious decisions about their future. We offer a comprehensive programme of guidance to support progression into careers and university, including access to professional careers advisors, confidential, impartial advice as well as a range of online resources. We have links with a number of top universities and often welcome speakers from a range of organisations. Mock interviews, employment workshops and regular bulletins keep students well prepared for taking any opportunities that come their way. King James’s offers a range of exciting and educational enrichments trips and extra-curricular opportunities. Ultimately, we believe that these valuable opportunities enhance the students’ Sixth Form experience and help them to become more successful, well-rounded young people ready for their next steps beyond this school. Sixth Form Enrichment Your future in safe hands with King James’s Sixth Form 11