6th Form Prospectus

Politics What’s it all about? Politics determines everything that happens from what you can and can’t do, to how much you get paid (and how much is taxed!), to whether you get funded to study at A Level / Degree level. Shouldn’t you be curious why the government makes the changes they do and what the alternative might be? In PoliticsALevel youwill study howthe government works, such as its powers and limitations, what there is to stop corrupt behaviour of our MPs and what changes have been made to our constitution throughout your lifetime. Therewill be opportunities to debate issues including whether our human rights are sufficiently protected and how well the current government is fulfilling its job! In Y13, you will focus on the USA, which has very different political ideas and systems. You will look at politicians from Trump to Kamala Harris and will learn whether the Bill of Rights is really as good as Americans make out! You’ll also look at how political ideologies were formed, including Communism, Thatcherism and Feminism. Politics will inform your future beliefs and choices and enable you to make strong and informed judgments. Most importantly, if you work hard and show an interest, you will really enjoy the subject and be successful. Exam and Assessment Information: Edexcel Papers are of equal weighting. Component 1 : UK Politics & Ideologies Written paper - 2 hours, mixture of source / non source essay questions. Component 2 : UK Government & Ideologies Written paper - 2 hours, mixture of source / non source essay questions. Component 3 : Comparative Politics (USA) Written paper - 2 hours, mixture of short and long essay questions. Our students say … “Politics is very interesting - the lessons are engaging, and the content is extremely relevant.” What next? Whilst we might not all aspire to be the next Starmer or Truss, Politics is a subject which can open many doors; such as law, journalism, management and business areas, the Civil Service, teaching, public affairs, research, analyst, HR, PR, police force and of course, the government! To get started: Politics is purely assessed through extended essays across three exams (no coursework!). A Grade 5 in History or English is a necessity and a degree of confidence with examinations is important. However, teachers will equip you with the toolkit you need to do well in the exams. Students should be prepared to keep up with current affairs…and debate them! Willingness for participation, reading and writing therefore, are a must. Politics fits in with other essay-based subjects and STEM subjects! An analytical mind would complement the sciences, being inquisitive is important in psychology, thinking on your feet is vital in the world of business and critical thinking aids subjects requiring problem solving. Entry Requirements Five GCSEs at Grade 4 and above including Maths AND Grade 5 in GCSE History or English “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” – Plato 43