Options Booklet Layout_2025_26
Exams and Assessment Information • Finshed coursework pieces (personal portfolio) • Preparation and research done for coursework (coursework = 60% of final grade) • A ten hour exam (externally set assignment) at the end of the course on a theme chosen by the exam board. • This will include preparation and a finished piece. (exam = 40% of final grade) What will I learn about? • Different ways of using media including clay, paint and printmaking • Being able to analyse the work of other artists • Experimenting with different materials and equipment • Developing drawing skills • Using photography as part of preparation developing exciting portfolios of work ART How will I learn? • Developing a personal portfolio of work through different projects – you will probably develop 5 or 6 projects on this course • Undertaking a mock exam – we will have at least one of these on the course • Going on research trips to galleries and gathering first-hand material • Looking at exemplar work and that of other artists as well as relating your work to other artists • Being experimental with materials and ideas and enjoying being creative • Looking at work produced by your peers; it’s always important to see what they think of how you’re doing! Where could Art take me? • On to the A Level course and then a Foundation course or a degree within a branch of art or design. • Building a portfolio for further education entry. • A wide range of art related careers including fashion, textiles, advertising, graphic designer, architect, make-up • artist, stage designer, jewellery maker, teacher, special effects, illustration, photographer, art therapist or curator • amongst many more. Additional Costs and Entry Requirements • We sell a set of equipment at the start of the course (including an A2 portfolio, a sketchpad, a set of pencils and an A3 portfolio). You don’t have to buy these from the school. You will need to purchase about 4 A3 sketchpads during the course of this GCSE. • Research trips also carry a charge • There are no specific entry requirements for Art other than enthusiasm and creativity Course Specification & further information • EDEXCEL exam board (code 1FA0/01 and 1FA0/02) • We offer the fine art option within this syllabus as this allows a greater flexibility in using materials and making pieces • Sign up to ‘Pinterest’ for images and lots of exemplar art • This course cannot be taken with GCSE Art, Craft and Design, Textiles or 3D Design. Can be taken with Digital Photography. 18
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