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Exams and Assessment Information The course consists of three units one examined unit and two coursework units. • Unit 1 examination - Health and wellbeing for child development (40% of final grade) Students learn about pre-conception health, reproduction, antenatal and postnatal care. This is followed by understanding the importance of creating conditions to allow a child to thrive in a safe environment. • Unit 2 coursework - Create a safe environment and understand the nutritional needs of chil- dren from birth to 5 years (30% of final grade) Students research child safety and the nutritional and hygiene needs of children from birth to 5 years and demonstrate how these needs are met to promote a child’s development and well-being. • Unit 3 coursework - Understand the develop- ment of a child from birth to 5 years (30% of final grade) Students explore the physical, social and intellectual developmental norms from 1-5 years. They will learn observation and research skills to enable them to demonstrate their knowl- edge through planning and practical activities. What will I learn about? • Understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of child developement to include: • The biological development from embryo to newborn baby • The promotion of children’s health and well being • The nutritional needs of a child from 0-5 years • The creation of child safe environments • The appropriate equipment needed to enable a child to thrive. CHILD DEVELOPMENT How will I learn? • Developing learning and practical skills that can be applied to real-life contexts and work situations • Thinking creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically • Developing independence and confidence in using skills that would be relevant to the childcare sector and more widely. Where could Child Development take me? • Students will gain a level 2 qualification that is equivalent to a GCSE. • The skills and knowledge gained in this qualification provide an excellent foundation that will enable students to progress into post 16 study, such as A Level and Level 3 AAQ. • The course could also lead to apprenticeships or jobs working with babies and children in the care sector. • The qualification also helps to develop other transferable skills, such as research and communication skills that will be valuable in other life and work situations. Additional Costs and Entry Requirements • There is no requirement for students to achieve any specific qualifications to take this course. • A revision guide for the external exam is available to purchase at a discounted price. Course Specification & further information The full specification for the OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Child Development can be found at https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/ cambridge-nationals/child-development-level-1- 2-j809/ 2
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