Options Booklet Layout_2025_26
Welcome to the King James’s School Option Booklet 2025-2027 This is the first time since starting school that our pupils have had the opportunity to take control of a significant part of their curriculum. We sincerely hope you enjoy the process of learning about the different courses and subjects we offer as well as having conversations about the future – including further education choices and possible employment routes. Choosing options for study in Key Stage 4 is an extremely important part of the year for our Year 9 students and therefore we devote time to supporting them in making the right decisions. The following dates represent the significant milestones along the way: INTRODUCTION As you can see, there is a great deal going on! Please note Year 9 Options Evening will be held 6:30pm - 8:30pm on Wednesday 5th February to which all parents, carers and students are invited. The following pages offer further clarification about how we organise Key Stage 4 as well as explaining the key staff involved in the options process which I trust you will find useful. October - January Form time activities focusing on aspiration, careers and ‘my future’ Launch of eclips in assembly and on the school websbite Wednesday5thFebruary Year 9 Options Evening - parents, carers and students to attend. Presentation for parents/carers available on the school website with more details on the options process, different pathways and balance of courses. Electronic Options Form will be launched on the school website for students to fill in. Thursday6th-14thFebruary Friday14thFebruary FINAL DEADLINE FOR OPTIONS FORM Wednesday29thJanuary
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