Options Booklet Layout_2025_26

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHY DO STUDENTS ONLY STUDY 9 GCSE’s? As GCSEs have been reformed to be more challenging with more scope for top grades (only the top 25% of those who previously achieved an A* will achieve a 9) and to have all the exams at the end of Year 11, we believe it would be too demanding for students to study more courses. It is better that they study fewer courses and achieve more highly than spread themselves too thin. No colleges, employers or universities stipulate more than 9 GCSEs as an entry requirement but they do stipulate specific grades. HOWDOGCSECHOICESAFFECTSTUDENTGOINGTO6THFORMANDUNIVERSITY? Students will need to have at least 5 good GCSE passes (Grade 4 or above) to be accepted into King James’s Sixth Form and certain subjects will have other specific entry requirements. For some subjects, students will need to have studied the subject at GCSE level; for others they will not. In terms of university, GCSE English and Maths are essential (GCSE Science for some courses). Some Universities used to recommend students to have studied at least 2 ‘facilitating subjects’ at A Level, for some courses. This is no longer the case; Russell Group Universities withdrew this advice in 2019. Google ‘Russell Group universities’ for more information or ask our Director of Sixth Form, John O’Hara. SOME THINGS FOR PARENTS/CARERS TO CONSIDER WITH STUDENTS: • Some students might say they like a subject but really they believe it is an easier option. This isn’t true – all subjects will be demanding at GCSE level and students will have to work hard to gain a good qualification. • Some choose a subject to stay in the same class as friends but due to the size of our school and complex timetable, it is highly unlikely that this will happen. • Some students may be inclined to choose a subject because of the teacher but, again, due to the timetabling and potential staff changes, a specific teacher cannot be guaranteed. • Remember, GCSEs have changed a lot since your day! Your experience may be totally different to your child. Share your knowledge and experience but keep in mind as well that our students are preparing for a totally different world HOW CAN STUDENTS ENSURE THEY ARE MATCHING THEIR GCSEs TO THEIR CHOSEN CAREER? Students are currently able to book appointments with the schools careers advisor, Mrs Morgan if they would like some more information. Both parents and students are able to make an appointment via reception. Your child’s form tutor and subject teachers are well placed to advise on GCSE choices. Students requiring more specific careers guidance for their futures will be prioritised for any appointments. Useful supportive guidance can be accessed using the links below: Log onto eCLIPS using the following link and password to access information to help your child make the right choice for their future. eCLIPS (www.eclips-online.co.uk) Logon details for eCLIPS access will be sent out to all parents and students. 7