Year 6 Parents Guide 2024-25

11 The equipment your child will need This below checklist will make sure you have everything you need for school every day. List of stationery • All students and their parents are asked to make sure that all items of clothing and equipment are suitably labelled with the student’s name so that lost property can be returned to its owner whenever possible. Any named items will be given to the year team and kept in the year offices for collection. • Sports equipment may be left in the Year Offices. • Musical instruments should be left in the Music Block. • Pupils should NOT bring valuable items to school as the school is NOT insured for loss of personal property. If you have forgotten anything students should contact their Year Team and a phone call home can be made if necessary. Parents can leave property at the Main Reception, in their year group locker where it can be collected by the student. Make sure property is labelled with your child’s name and tutor group. The rules regarding your child’s mobile phone We believe mobile phones are an unnecessary distraction to our students learning and social development therefore they must be switched of and left in student’s bags as they enter the school gates at 8.40am and remain in their until the end of school day at 3.15pm. If students are seen with mobile phones during the day they will have them taken off them and placed within their year team office, where it can be collcted at the end of the day. If your child needs to contact you through the day for any reason such as forgotten equipment or changes in their end of school arrangements, they must go to their year office and ask permission to do so from their year team. READY