Year 6 Parents Guide 2024-25

15 How will your child’s medical needs be supported A student who is taken ill or has an accident during school hours will be sent to see the School Nurse and she will take appropriate action. It is essential that school is informed of any change in contact numbers as the Nurse may need to contact you in an emergency. If your child needs to take medicine during the day, it can be left with the school nurse in the medical cupboard to be administered by the nurse at the appropriate times. All medication must be prescribed by a doctor and must be in its original container. A form must be submitted to the nurse allowing her to administer the required medicine; this form is available either from the nurse or can be downloaded from the school website. Inhalers Inhalers are best kept with your child, but we recommend that a spare be kept with the school nurse in the medical cupboard. Epipens If your child has an allergy and is at risk of anaphylaxis, it is recommended they carry the pen at all times and that a spare be kept with the school nurse. RESPECTFUL