Year 6 Parents Guide 2024-25

19 How your child’s progress will be monitored and reported MCAS – My Child at School. Your will receive login in details for the MCAS app and through this you will be able to monitor you child’s attendance, punctuality, behaviour and rewards. Learning Cycles Your will receive a Learning Cycle report at the end of each Learning Cycle November, February and April. This includes your child’s progress and their Attitude to Leaning in each subject. Following each Learning Cycle your child will have an extended tutor time where, alongside their form tutor they will reflect and set targets for the following Learning Cycle. Throughout the Learning Cycle, at key points green assessments sheets with feedback will be in their subject books. Pastoral Parents Evening Your child’s form tutor will be the member of staff who knows your child best as they see them every day. Once a year you will have a parental meeting with your child’s form tutor to discuss their development. Parents Evening Once a year you will have a parents evening with your child’s subject teachers to discuss their academic progress. ENGAGED