Year 6 Parents Guide 2024-25

21 CHILDRENS’ TOP 10 WORRIES ABOUT STARTING A NEW SCHOOL 1. People being unkind to me –Always speak to your Tutor or Year Team and this will be followed up immediately. One of our Values is we ‘We Value Each other’ and it is important you let adults know if someone is being unkind to you. 2. Not making friends – Joining an extra-curricular club or enrichment activity after school or at lunchtimes is a great way to meet like-minded people. The programme will be on your Form room notice board and on the school website 3. Getting lost – Have a look at the school map in your planner or ask a member of staff or student from another year group. They were in your position too so will be happy to help you. 4. Remembering to do my homework – Try to be organised and always write it down in your planner and check your Student Portal to ensure work is completed on time. 5. Not being able to do my homework – Always make sure you understand before leaving the lesson, if not sure ask the teacher. Ask your friends during tutor time if they can help. 6. Getting to school and back (especially if it involves a bus journey) – Have a practice run prior to starting in September. 7. Not having the right books and equipment – Always pack your bag the night before and have a copy of your timetable displayed somewhere at home 8. Not knowing what to do if there’s a problem – Try to find solutions yourself or ask other friends and try to work things out. If you still need help or support always go to your Form Tutor or speak to your Year Team. 9. Not getting on with the teachers – Unfortunately in life you don’t always get on with everyone you meet. Learning to work with different types of people is a good life skill to learn 10. Getting into trouble – It is simple. If you follow our Values of Ready, Respectful and Engaged you won’t get into trouble!