Year 6 Parents Guide 2024-25

3 At KJS we have 3 core values, our expected school values are for our students to be READY , RESPECTFUL and ENGAGED READY D We believe it is important students are ready to learn by being punctual and properly equipped for lessons. D We believe students should demonstrate that they are ready to belong to our KJS community by wearing the uniform correctly and with pride. D We believe students need to be mentally ready to embrace school life by being in a healthy routine and by not having the distraction of a mobile phone on within the school building. RESPECTFUL D We believe students should be respectful of our community and environment, of each other and of themselves. D We stress that they should be kind, considerate and thankful and expect them to do, as they are asked first time and every time. D We promote that they consider their language and are appropriate and polite. We believe body language matters when showing respect and encourage positive body language. ENGAGED D We believe students should embrace every opportunity and be wholeheartedly engaged with their education and proactive with their learning. D We promote ways students can develop themselves and encourage them to seek out opportunities to get involved. D We believe students should be engaged with school and the KJS values. HOW PARENTS CAN SUPPORT • Please establish consistent routines at home ensuring they have the correct uniform, footwear, equipment and books each day and realise the importance of being punctual. • Please reinforce our expectations around being Ready, Respectful and Engaged through discussing the importance of being respectful of our community and environment. • Please encourage participation in the array of extra-curricular opportunities we offer at KJS and support the importance of a positive attitude to learning. • Please discuss your child’s Learning Cycle report with them when it is issued at the end of every learning cycle. • Please support us by reviewing MCAS (My Child At School) daily and reinforcing positive behaviours. KEY VALUES