Year 6 Parents Guide 2024-25

6 The School Day Please establish consistent morning routines at home - time the journey to school or the bus stop. Work out with your child what time they will need to get up in order to get to school on time. Students should arrive at school no later that 8.40am. School gates are locked at 8.45am and after this time students need to enter via the main school reception. READY спсуҝспсф + су / су *1 су су ) сф сф - сф +- сф 4 сф 0) сф 0' сф с ц у с х т т ц ф с ц ш ру рр ш рт рп рп ру рс ш ру рх ср рч рх сп рц рц ср рш рх ср ст сч сф ст сц су су сч сх ст тп тп тр тп & & *'$ 4 Overview of the Year - Our 2 week Timetable MONDAY - FRIDAY 8.30 Library open for students 8.40 Students expected to be on site to prepare for the day ahead 8.45 - 9.10 Assembly/Form Time - 25 minutes 9.10 - 10.10 Period 1 - 60 minutes 10.10 - 11.10 Period 2 - 60 minutes 11.10 - 11.25 BREAK 11.30 - 12.30 Period 3 - 60 minutes 12.30- 1.10 LUNCH 1.15 - 2.15 Period 4 - 60 minutes 2.15 - 3.15 Period 5 - 60 minutes 3.20 - 4.15 Homework clubs The Library is available after school from Monday to Thursday for students to do homework under the supervision of a member of staff.