Summer Newsletter 23
King James’s School Pictorial 6 2022 - 23 Edition King James’s School Pictorial 7 2022 - 23 Edition Duke of Edinburgh Success Experiences near and far Sevengroupsofstudentsheadedoutontheirpractice and assessed exhbitions this term, as part of their bronzeDukeofEdinburghAward.Itwaslovelytosee how much all of the pupils enjoyed the experience. BackinMay,Year8and9studentstookpart inaManchesterpro-developmentfootballtour,highlightsofwhich includedtrainingsessions,abehind-the-scenestouroftheEtihadstadiumandticketstoaPremierLeaguefixture. Year 10 students studying both Hospitality & Catering and Food Preparation and Nutrition visited the Great Yorkshire Show, a trip that will support students with their year 11 coursework modules and the external examined assessments.
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